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Total Ionizing Dose 4 New Space : TID 4 NS

The goal of the following slides is to provide the main "order of magnitude" for Total Ionizing Dose ( TID ) Levels, with reasonable accuracy,  on a circular orbit. The full Inclination vs Altitude "orbit space" is investigated. Each point is a full mission ( 200 orbits & 300 points/orbit ). Main space radiation figures are for  3 ; 4 ; 5 ; 6 & 7 mm Aluminum, which  is typically equivalent to  isotropic shielding for a NanoSat or MiniSat

Trapped electrons: AE8 Solar Maximum / Trapped Protons: AP8 Solar Minimum / Solar protons : ESP model @ 90% confidence level / 5 years

In order to be more representative of the reality, and to avoid over-estimation TID Levels are calculated at the center of an Al Solid CUBE (fig.1-b), and not inside a Solid Sphere (fig.1-a). As a reminder, TID Depth Curves for both shielding Solid Sphere & Solid Cube is given (fig.2)

  • INPUT   : Altitude in km, Inclination in °, mission Lifetime, Equivalent thickness of the satellite               
  • OUPUT : TID Level inside  a Solid Cube of the same thickness

The code TID4NS ( included into NT4NS ), elaborated to calculate these Isode Contours in a few seconds, will be available soon for the New Space community. With TID4NS code, it is possible to provide different thicknesses for the 6 faces of the equivalent Cube.

If you are interested to get it, just drop  a message HERE



3 mm Aluminum Cubical Box - LEO-MEO-GEO - 5 Years

3 mm Aluminum Cubical Box - LEO - 5 Years

Abq tid 3mm lmg 5y
Abq tid 3mm l 5y

4 mm Aluminum Cubical Box - LEO-MEO-GEO - 5 Years

4 mm Aluminum Cubical Box - LEO - 5 Years

Abq tid 4mm lmg 5y
Abq tid 4mm l 5y

5 mm Aluminum Cubical Box - LEO-MEO-GEO - 5 Years

5 mm Aluminum Cubical Box - LEO - 5 Years

Abq tid 5mm lmg 5y
Abq tid 5mm l 5y

6 mm Aluminum Cubical Box - LEO-MEO-GEO - 5 Years

6 mm Aluminum Cubical Box - LEO - 5 Years

Abq tid 6mm lmg 5y
Abq tid 6mm l 5y

7 mm Aluminum Cubical Box - LEO-MEO-GEO - 5 Years

7 mm Aluminum Cubical Box - LEO-MEO-GEO - 5 Years

Abq tid 7mm lmg 5y
Abq tid 7mm l 5y


3 mm Aluminum Cubical Box - LEO-MEO-GEO - 11Years

3 mm Aluminum Cubical Box - LEO  - 11Years

Abq tid 3mm lmg 11y
Abq tid 3mm l 11y

4 mm Aluminum Cubical Box - LEO  - 11Years

4 mm Aluminum Cubical Box - LEO  - 11Years

Abq tid 4mm lmg 11y
Abq tid 4mm l 11y

5 mm Aluminum Cubical Box - LEO-MEO-GEO - 11Years

5 mm Aluminum Cubical Box - LEO  - 11Years

Abq tid 5mm lmg 11y
Abq tid 5mm l 11y

6 mm Aluminum Cubical Box - LEO-MEO-GEO - 11Years

6 mm Aluminum Cubical Box - LEO  - 11Years

Abq tid 6mm lmg 11y
Abq tid 6mm l 11y

7 mm Aluminum Cubical Box - LEO-MEO-GEO - 11Years

7 mm Aluminum Cubical Box - 11Years

Abq tid 7mm lmg 11y
Abq tid 7mm l 11y

Date de dernière mise à jour : Dim 23 mai 2021
