Freeware dedicated to space environment and radiation effects on electronic devices. This tool is developed by TRAD with the support of the CNES, based on the requirements of our partners: THALES ALENIA SPACE, AIRBUS DEFENSE & SPACE, ONERA, CEA, ESA, OHB.
OMERE computes the space environment in terms of particle fluxes and radiation effects on electronic devices in terms of dose, displacement damage, single event effects and solar cell degradation.
Developed for industrial needs, OMERE is an efficient tool allowing to easily perform accurate radiation analyses.
Download : OMERE
For the past 15 years, FASTRAD® has been recognized in the space industry as the reference software for advanced radiation dose analysis and shielding optimization. All over the world, over 150 satellite integrators, space agencies and sub-system manufacturers are using FASTRAD® on a daily basis. This software allows its users to decrease overall shielding mass and improve equipments radiation hardness. Thanks to its CAD geometry import module, 3D modeling of components, sub-systems or satellite structures has never been this easy! FASTRAD® is the perfect solution for space radiation analysis, key calculations such as sector analysis (Minimum and Slant Ray-tracing), new and improved Reverse Monte Carlo method.
Download : FASTRAD

SRIM-2013 ( James F. Ziegler )
SRIM is a collection of software packages which calculate many features of the transport of ions in matter. Typical applications include:
Ion Stopping and Range in Targets: Most aspects of the energy loss of ions in matter are calculated in SRIM, the Stopping and Range of Ions in Matter. SRIM includes quick calculations which produce tables of stopping powers, range and straggling distributions for any ion at any energy in any elemental target. More elaborate calculations include targets with complex multi-layer configurations.
Ion Implantation: Ion beams are used to modify samples by injecting atoms to change the target chemical and electronic properties. The ion beam also causes damage to solid targets by atom displacement. Most of the kinetic effect s associated with the physics of this kind of interactions are found in the SRIM package.
Download : SRIM-2013
Date de dernière mise à jour : Mer 19 mai 2021