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Philippe Calvel - Publications at IEEE Transaction on Nuclear Science and/or RADECS Proceedings

"A new ray tracing deposited dose calculation method for space application". Philippe Calvel; Christian Chatry. Presented to IEEE Nuclear & Space Radiation Effects Conference, July 2009, Quebec , Canada.

« Review of Deposited Dose Calculation Methods Using Ray Tracing Approximations ». Philippe Calvel ; Catherine Barillot ; Alain Porte ; GÉrard Auriel ; Christian Chatry ; Pierre-FranÇois Peyrard ; Giovanni Santin ; Robert Ecoffet ; Thomas M. Jordan . IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science . Year: 2008 |. Volume: 55, Issue: 6

« Review of commercial spacecraft anomalies and single-event-effect occurrences » . C. Barillot ; P. Calvel . IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science . Year: 1996 | Volume: 43, Issue: 2

« Measurement of a cross-section for single-event gate rupture in power MOSFETs ». I. Mouret ; P. Calvel ; M. Allenspach ; J.L. Titus ; C.F. Wheatley ; K.A. LaBel ; M.-C. Calvet ; R.D. Schrimpf ; K.F. Galloway . IEEE Electron Device Letters . Year: 1996 | Volume: 17, Issue: 4

« An empirical model for predicting proton induced upset » . P. Calvel ; C. Barillot ; P. Lamothe ; R. Ecoffet ; S. Duzellier ; D. Falguere . IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science . Year: 1996 | Volume: 43, Issue: 6

« Experimental evidence of the temperature and angular dependence in SEGR [power MOSFETs] » . I. Mouret ; M.-C. Calvet ; P. Calvel ; P. Tastet ; M. Allenspach ; K.A. LaBel ; J.L. Titus ; C.F. Wheatley ; R.D. Schrimpf ; K.F. Galloway . Proceedings of the Third European Conference on Radiation and its Effects on Components and Systems . Year: 1995

« Space radiation evaluation of 16 Mbit DRAMs for mass memory applications » . P. Calvel ; P. Lamothe ; C. Barillot ; R. Ecoffet ; S. Duzellier ; E.G. Stassinopoulos . IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science . Year: 1994 | Volume: 41, Issue: 6

« Charge generation by heavy ions in power MOSFETs, burnout space predictions and dynamic SEB sensitivity » . E.G. Stassinopoulos ; G.J. Brucker ; P. Calvel ; A. Baiget ; C. Peyrotte ; R. Gaillard . IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science . Year: 1992 | Volume: 39, Issue: 6

« Single-Event Latchup in a CMOS-Based ASIC Using Heavy Ions, Laser Pulses, and Coupled Simulation ».  M. Mauguet ; N. Andrianjohany ; D. Lagarde ; L. Gouyet ; L. Azema ; N. Chatry ; X. Marie ; R. Marec ; P. Calvel ; D. Standarovski ; R. Ecoffet . IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science . Year: 2019 | Volume: 66, Issue: 7

 « Atypical Effect of Displacement Damage on LM124 Bipolar Integrated Circuits ». T. Borel ; F. Roig ; A. Michez ; B. Azais ; S. Danzeca ; N. J.-H. Roche ; F. Bezerra ; P. Calvel ; L. Dusseau . IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science . Year: 2018 | Volume: 65, Issue: 1

« Single Events Induced By Heavy Ions and Laser Pulses in Silicon Schottky Diodes » . M. Mauguet ; D. Lagarde ; F. Widmer ; N. Chatry ; X. Marie ; E. Lorfevre ; F. Bezerra ; R. Marec ; P. Calvel . IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science . Year: 2018 | Volume: 65, Issue: 8

« Benchmarking ionizing space environment models ». S. Bourdarie ; C. Inguimbert ; J.-R. Vaille ; P. Calvel ; A. Sicard-Piet ; D. Falguere ; E. Lorfèvre ; R. Ecoffet ; C. Poivey . 2016 16th European Conference on Radiation and Its Effects on Components and Systems (RADECS) . Year: 2016 | Conference Paper 

« Monte Carlo Tools Accuracy for High Energetic Electron Radiation Environment « . J. Cueto ; S. Ibarmia ; P. Calvel ; G. Eiguren ; J. Eck ; V. Ivanchenko ; G. Santin . 2015 15th European Conference on Radiation and Its Effects on Components and Systems (RADECS) . Year: 2015 |

« Impact of Neutron-Induced Displacement Damage on the ATREE Response in LM124 Operational Amplifier ».  F. Roig ; L. Dusseau ; P. Ribeiro ; G. Auriel ; N. J-H. Roche ; A. Privat ; J.-R. Vaillé ; J. Boch ; F. Saigné ; R. Marec ; P. Calvel ; F. Bezerra ; R. Ecoffet ; B. Azais . IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science . Year: 2014 | Volume: 61, Issue: 6 

« The Role of Feedback Resistors and TID Effects in the ASET Response of a High Speed Current Feedback Amplifier » . Fabien Roig ; L. Dusseau ; P. Ribeiro ; G. Auriel ; N. J.-H. Roche ; A. Privat ; J.-R. Vaillé ; J. Boch ; F. Saigné ; R. Marec ; P. Calvel ; F. Bezerra ; R. Ecoffet ; B. Azais . IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science . Year: 2014 | Volume: 61, Issue: 6

« Analysis in the Context of Space Radiation Hardness Assurance of Low Dose Rate Results Obtained With the MIL and ESCC Test Methods » . R. Marec ; J. F. Carlotti ; M. Marin ; P. Calvel ; C. Barillot ; R. Mancini ; M. Sarno ; M. Mélotte ; J. Cueto . IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science . Year: 2014 | Volume: 61, Issue: 5

« Study and Modeling of the Impact of TID on the ATREE Response in LM124 Operational Amplifier ». Fabien Roig ; L. Dusseau ; P. Ribeiro ; G. Auriel ; N. J-H. Roche ; A. Privat ; J.-R. Vaillé ; J. Boch ; F. Saigné ; R. Marec ; P. Calvel ; F. Bezerra ; R. Ecoffet ; B. Azais . IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science . Year: 2014 | Volume: 61, Issue: 4

« Analysis in the frame of space radiation hardness assurance of low dose rate results obtained with MIL and ESCC test method » . R. Marec ; J.F. Carlotti ; M. Marin ; P. Calvel ; C. Barillot ; R. Mancini ; M. Sarno ; M. Mélotte ; J. Cueto . 2013 14th European Conference on Radiation and Its Effects on Components and Systems (RADECS) . Year: 2013 | Conference Paper

« Specific Characterization for Destructive Single Event Effects on GaAs Power P-HEMT MMIC » . R. Marec ; A. Bensoussan ; J. L. Muraro ; L. Portal ; P. Calvel ; C. Barillot ; M. G. Perichaud ; L. Marchand ; G. Vignon . 2013 IEEE Radiation Effects Data Workshop (REDW) . Year: 2013

« Study of manufacturing variations impact on TID-ATREEs synergistic effect in LM124 operational amplifier » . F. Roig ; L. Dusseau ; P. Ribeiro ; G. Auriel ; N. J-H. Roche ; A. Privat ; J.-R. Vaillé ; J. Boch ; F. Saigné ; R. Marec ; P. Calvel ; F. Bezerra ; R. Ecoffet ; B. Azais . 2013 14th European Conference on Radiation and Its Effects on Components and Systems (RADECS) . Year: 2013

« Modeling and Investigations on TID-ASETs Synergistic Effect in LM124 Operational Amplifier From Three Different Manufacturers » . Fabien Roig ; L. Dusseau ; A. Khachatrian ; N. J-H. Roche ; A. Privat ; J.-R. Vaillé ; J. Boch ; J. H. Warner ; F. Saigné ; S. P. Buchner ; D. McMorrow ; P. Ribeiro ; G. Auriel ; B. Azais ; R. Marec ; P. Calvel ; F. Bezerra ; R. Ecoffet . IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science . Year: 2013 | Volume: 60, Issue: 6

« Influence of Spacecraft Shielding Structures on Galactic Cosmic Ray-Induced Soft Error Rate ». Marco Silvestri ; Emanuele Tracino ; Roberto Destefanis ; Cesare Lobascio ; Giovanni Santin ; Philippe Calvel . IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science . Year: 2012 | Volume: 59, Issue: 4

« Combined Effects of60Co Dose and High Frequency Interferences on a Discrete Bipolar Transistor ».  A. Doridant ; J. Raoult ; S. Jarrix ; A. Blain ; P. Hoffmann ; N. Chatry ; P. Calvel ; L. Dusseau . IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science . Year: 2012 | Volume: 59, Issue: 6

« Impact of Total Ionizing Dose on the Electromagnetic Susceptibility of a Single Bipolar Transistor » . A. Doridant ; S. Jarrix ; J. Raoult ; A. Blain ; N. Chatry ; P. Calvel ; P. Hoffmann ; L. Dusseau . IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science . Year: 2012 | Volume: 59, Issue: 4

« Impact of Switched Dose-Rate Irradiation on the Response of the LM124 Operational Amplifier to Pulsed X-Rays ». Nicolas J.-H. Roche ; Laurent Dusseau ; Julien Mekki ; Stephanie Perez ; Jean-Roch Vaille ; Yago Gonzalez Velo ; Jérome Boch ; Frédéric Saigne ; Ronan Marec ; Philippe Calvel ; Francoise Bezerra ; Gérard Auriel ; Bruno Azais ; Stephen P. Buchner . IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science . Year: 2011 | Volume: 58, Issue: 3

« Study of Synergism Effect Between TID and ATREE on the Response of the LM124 Operational Amplifier ». Nicolas J.-H. Roche ; Stephanie Perez ; Julien Mekki ; Y. Gonzalez Velo ; Laurent Dusseau ; Jérôme Boch ; Jean-Roch Vaille ; Frédéric Saigne ; Ronan Marec ; Philippe Calvel ; Francoise Bezerra ; Gérard Auriel ; Bruno Azais ; Stephen P. Buchner . IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science . Year: 2011 | Volume: 58, Issue: 6

« Influence of spacecraft shielding structures on Galactic Cosmic ray-induced soft error rate » . Marco Silvestri ; Emanuele Tracino ; Roberto Destefanis ; Cesare Lobascio ; Giovanni Santin ; Philippe Calvel . 2011 12th European Conference on Radiation and Its Effects on Components and Systems . Year: 2011

« Impact of total ionizing dose on the electromagnetic susceptibility of a single bipolar transistor » . A. Doridant ; S. Jarrix ; J. Raoult ; A. Blain ; N. Chatry ; P. Calvel ; P. Hoffmann ; L. Dusseau . 2011 12th European Conference on Radiation and Its Effects on Components and Systems . Year:

« First studies of the impact of dose radiation on the electromagnetic susceptibility of bipolar transistors » . S. Jarrix ; L. Dusseau ; N. Chatry ; P. Hoffinann ; A. Doridant ; A. Blain ; T. Dubois ; J. Raoult ; P. Calvel . 2011 12th Latin American Test Workshop (LATW) . Year: 2011

« Electromagnetic susceptibility of low frequency bipolar transistors subject to the total ionizing dose effect » . A. Doridant ; J. Raoult ; A. Blain ; S. Jarrix ; L. Dusseau ; P. Hoffmann ; N. Chatry ; P. Calvel . 2011 8th Workshop on Electromagnetic Compatibility of Integrated Circuits . Year: 2011

« Investigation and Analysis of LM124 Bipolar Linear Circuitry Response Phenomenon in Pulsed X-Ray Environment ». Nicolas J.-H. Roche ; L. Dusseau ; J.-R. Vaille ; J. Mekki ; Y. Gonzalez Velo ; S. Perez ; J. Boch ; F. Saigne ; R. Marec ; P. Calvel ; F. Bezerra ; G. Auriel ; B. Azais . IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science. Year: 2010 | Volume: 57, Issue: 6

« Development of a New Methodology to Model the Synergistic Effects Between TID and ASETs ». Nicolas J.-H. Roche ; L. Dusseau ; J. Boch ; Y. Gonzalez Velo ; J.-R. Vaille ; F. Saigne ; G. Auriel ; B. Azais ; S. P. Buchner ; R. Marec ; P. Calvel ; F. Bezerra . IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science . Year: 2010 | Volume: 57, Issue: 4

 « Accelerated Irradiation Method to Study Synergy Effects in Bipolar Integrated Circuits ». Nicolas Jean-Henri Roche ; Yago Gonzalez Velo ; Laurent Dusseau ; JÉrÔme Boch ; Jean-Roch Vaille ; FrÉdÉric Saigne ; Bruno Azais ; GÉrard Auriel ; Eric Lorfevre ; Vincent Pouget ; Stephen P. Buchner ; Jean-Pierre David ; Ronan Marec ; Philippe Calvel . IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science . Year: 2009 | Volume: 56, Issue: 4

« In flight observation of proton induced destructive single event phenomena » . Françoise Bezerra ; Eric Lorfèvre ; Robert Ecoffet ; Daniel Peyre ; Christain Binois ; Sophie Duzellier ; Didier Falguère ; Thierry Nuns ; Michel Mélotte ; Philippe Calvel ; Ronan Marec ; Nathalie Chatry ; William Falo ; Christelle Deneau . 2009 European Conference on Radiation and Its Effects on Components and Systems . Year: 2009

« Development of a new methodology to model the synergistic effects between TID and ASETs » . Nicolas J-H. Roche ; L. Dusseau ; J. Boch ; Y. Gonzalez Velo ; J. R. Vaillé ; F. Saigné ; G. Auriel ; B. Azais ; S. P. Buchner ; R. Marec ; P. Calvel ; F. Bezerra . 2009 European Conference on Radiation and Its Effects on Components and Systems . Year: 2009

« Review and Analysis of the Radiation-Induced Degradation Observed for the Input Bias Current of Linear Integrated Circuits ». Laurent Dusseau ; Muriel Bernard ; JÉrÔme Boch ; Yago Gonzalez Velo ; Nicolas Roche ; Eric Lorfevre ; FranÇoise Bezerra ; Philippe Calvel ; Ronan Marec ; FrÉdÉric Saigne . IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science . Year: 2008 | Volume: 55, Issue: 6

« Single Event-Induced Instability in Linear Voltage Regulators » . P. C. Adell ; A. F. Witulski ; R. D. Schrimpf ; R. Marec ; V. Pouget ; P. Calvel ; F. Bezerra . IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science . Year: 2006 | Volume: 53, Issue: 6

« CUBE SAT SACRED : a student project to investigate radiation effects » . L. Dusseau ; J.R. Vaille ; F. Saigne ; J. Gasiot ; L. Cresciucci ; D. Campillo ; C. Chatry ; U. Fink ; J. Gruenenfelder ; P. Calvel ; J.D. Gayrard . 2005 8th European Conference on Radiation and Its Effects on Components and Systems . Year: 2005 | Conference Paper

« 17 MeV to 200 MeV protons Irradiation to characterize CCD's sensitivity to Single Event Transient » . R. Germanicus ; G. Rolland ; S. Barde ; P. Descamps ; L. Dusseau ; P. Calvel . 2005 8th European Conference on Radiation and Its Effects on Components and Systems . Year: 2005 | Conference Paper

« Single event transient propagation through digital optocouplers » . P.C. Adell ; O. Mion ; R.D. Schrimpf ; C. Chatry ; P. Calvel ; M.R. Melotte . IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science; Year: 2005 | Volume: 52, Issue: 4

« Single event effects characterization of 16K x 9 fifo » . R. Marec ; P. Ribeiro ; L. Cresciucci ; C. Barillot ; C. Chatty ; P. Calvel . Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Radiation and Its Effects on Components and Systems, 2003. RADECS 2003. . Year: 2003 | Conference Paper |

« A toolkit for space environment » . P.F. Peyrard ; T. Beutier ; O. Serres ; C. Chatry ; R. Ecoffet ; G. Rolland ; D. Boscher ; S. Bourdarie ; C. Inguimbert ; P. Calvel ; R. Mangeret . Proceedings of the 7th European; Year: 2003 Conference on Radiation and Its Effects on Components and Systems, 2003. RADECS 2003.

« Neutrons at ground level failure in time evaluation by extrapolating proton test results for space environment » . A.D. Touboul ; R. Marec ; C. Charry ; P. Calvel ; M. Caussmel ; J. Gasiot . Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Radiation and Its Effects on Components and Systems, 2003. RADECS 2003. . Year: 2003

« Evaluation and prediction of the degradation of a COTS CCD induced by displacement damage » . R. Germanicus ; S. Barde ; L. Dusseau ; G. Rolland ; C. Barillot ; F. Saigne ; R. Ecoffet ; P. Calvel ; J. Fesquet ; J. Gasiot . IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science . Year: 2002 | Volume: 49, Issue: 6

« Analysis of the proton-induced permanent degradation in an optocoupler » . R. Germanicus ; L. Dusseau ; F. Saigne ; S. Barde ; R. Ecoffet ; O. Mion ; P. Calvel ; J. Fesquet ; J. Gasiot . IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science . Year: 2002 | Volume: 49, Issue: 3

« Towards a single event transient hardness assurance methodology ». R. Marec ; C. Chatry ; P. Adell ; O. Mion ; C. Barillot ; P. Calvel ; L. Cresciucci . RADECS 2001. 2001 6th European Conference on Radiation and Its Effects on Components and Systems (Cat. No.01TH8605) . Year: 2001 | Conference Paper

« Application determination of single-event transient characteristics in the LM 111 comparator » . A.L. Sternberg ; L.W. Massengill ; R.D. Schrimpf ; P. Calvel . IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science . Year: 2001 | Volume: 48, Issue: 6

« Analysis of the proton induced permanent degradation in an optocoupler ». R. Germanicus ; L. Dusseau ; F. Saigne ; S. Barde ; R. Ecoffet ; O. Mion ; P. Calvel ; J. Fesquet ; J. Gasiot . RADECS 2001. 2001 6th European Conference on Radiation and Its Effects on Components and Systems (Cat. No.01TH8605) . Year: 2001

« Analysis of single-event transients in analog circuits ». P. Adell ; R.D. Schrimpf ; H.J. Barnaby ; R. Marec ; C. Chatry ; P. Calvel ; C. Barillot ; O. Mion . IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science; Year: 2000 | Volume: 47, Issue: 6

« Total dose effects on gate controlled lateral PNP bipolar junction transistors ». Ph. Cazenave ; P. Fouillat ; X. Montagner ; H. Barnaby ; R.D. Schrimpf ; L. Bonora ; J.P. David ; A. Touboul ; M.-C. Calvet ; P. Calvel . IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science . Year: 1998 | Volume: 45, Issue: 6

« Effects of reliability screening tests on bipolar integrated circuits during total dose irradiation » . C. Barillot ; O. Serres ; R. Marec ; P. Calvel . IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science . Year: 1998 | Volume: 45, Issue: 6

« Dose-rate and irradiation temperature dependence of BJT SPICE model rad-parameters » . X. Montagner ; R. Briand ; P. Fouillat ; R.D. Schrimpf ; A. Touboui ; K.F. Galloway ; M.C. Calvet ; P. Calvel. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science . Year: 1998 | Volume: 45, Issue: 3

« Implementation of total dose effects in the bipolar junction transistor Gummel-Poon model » . X. Montagner ; P. Fouillat ; R. Briand ; R.D. Schrimpf ; A. Touboul ; K.F. Galloway ; M.C. Calvet ; P. Calvel . IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science . Year: 1997 | Volume: 44, Issue: 6

« Dose-rate and irradiation temperature dependence of BJT SPICE model rad-parameters » . X. Montagner ; R. Briand ; P. Fouillat ; R.D. Schrimpf ; A. Touboul ; K.F. Galloway ; M.C. Calvet ; P. Calvel. RADECS 97. Fourth European Conference on Radiation and its Effects on Components and Systems (Cat. No.97TH8294) . Year: 1997

« Comparison of elementary bipolar transistor degradations: Dose rate and combined experimental parameters effects » . L. Bonora ; J.P. David ; M.C. Calvet ; R. Ecoffet ; C. Barillot ; P. Calvel . RADECS 97. Fourth European Conference on Radiation and its Effects on Components and Systems (Cat. No.97TH8294) . Year: 1997

« Design issues for a radiation-tolerant digital-to-analog converter in a commercial 2.0-/spl mu/m BiCMOS process » . J.Y. Ahn ; W.T. Holman ; R.D. Schrimpf ; K.F. Galloway ; D.A. Bryant ; P. Calvel ; M.-C. Calvet . RADECS 97. Fourth European Conference on Radiation and its Effects on Components and Systems (Cat. No.97TH8294) . Year: 1997

« Implementation of total dose constraints at the design level of full custom bipolar integrated circuits » . Y. Deval ; P. Fouillat ; X. Montagner ; R. Briand ; A. Touboul ; J.P. David ; L. Bonora ; M.C. Calvet ; P. Calvel . RADECS 97. Fourth European Conference on Radiation and its Effects on Components and Systems (Cat. No.97TH8294) . Year: 1997

« Heavy ions evaluation of GaAs microwave devices » . C. Barillot ; A. Bensoussan ; F. Brasseau ; P. Calvel . 1996 IEEE Radiation Effects Data Workshop. Workshop Record. Held in conjunction with The IEEE Nuclear and Space Radiation Effects Conference . Year: 1996

« Experimental evidence of the temperature and angular dependence in SEGR [power MOSFET] » . I. Mouret ; M.-C. Calvet ; P. Calvel ; P. Tastet ; M. Allenspach ; K.A. LaBel ; J.L. Titus ; C.F. Wheatley ; R.D. Schrimpf ; K.F. Galloway . IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science . Year: 1996 | Volume: 43, Issue: 3

« Evidence of the sensitivity inhomogeneity of power MOSFETs' cells to single event burnout » . C. Dachs ; F. Roubaud ; J.-M. Palau ; G. Bruguier ; J. Gasiot ; M.-C. Calvet ; P. Calvel ; P. Tastet . Proceedings of the Third European Conference on Radiation and its Effects on Components and Systems . Year: 1995 | Conference Paper

« Simulation aided hardening of N-channel power MOSFETs to prevent single event burnout » . C. Dachs ; F. Roubaud ; J.-M. Palau ; G. Bruguier ; J. Gasiot ; P. Tastet ; M.-C. Calvett ; P. Calvel . IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science . Year: 1995 | Volume: 42, Issue: 6

« Total dose and heavy ions evaluation of UC1806 pulse width modulator from Unitrode » . C. Barillot ; J.P. Bensoussan ; P. Calvel ; P. Poirot . Proceedings of 1995 IEEE Nuclear and Space Radiation Effects Conference (NSREC'95) . Year: 1995

« The CESR multi-mission radiation monitor » . M. Boer ; J. Naya ; J.-P. Chabaud ; M. Ehanno ; G. Rouaix ; A. Baiget ; R. Ecoffet ; M. Labrunee ; P. Calvel ; P. Reveret . IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science . Year: 1995 | Volume: 42, Issue: 6

« Evaluation of a method for estimating low-dose-rate irradiation response of MOSFETs ». P. Khosropour ; D.M. Fleetwood ; K.F. Galloway ; R.D. Schrimpf ; P. Calvel . IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science . Year: 1994 | Volume: 41, Issue: 6 

« Temperature and angular dependence of substrate response in SEGR [power MOSFET] » . I. Mouret ; M. Allenspach ; R.D. Schrimpf ; J.R. Brews ; K.F. Galloway ; P. Calvel . IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science . Year: 1994 | Volume: 41, Issue: 6

« Application of test method 1019.4 to nonhardened power MOSFETs » . P. Khosropour ; K.F. Galloway ; D. Zupac ; R.D. Schrimpf ; P. Calvel . IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science . Year: 1994 | Volume: 41, Issue: 3

« Dependence of power MOSFET static burnout on charge distribution in the active region of IRF15O » . E.G. Stassinopoulos ; G.J. Brucker ; P. Calvel ; C. Barillot ; R. Gaillard ; J. Gasiot . RADECS 93. Second European Conference on Radiation and its Effects on Components and Systems (Cat. No.93TH0616-3). Year: 1993

« Separation of effects of oxide-trapped charge and interface-trapped charge on mobility in irradiated power MOSFETs » . D. Zupac ; K.F. Galloway ; P. Khosropour ; S.R. Anderson ; R.D. Schrimpf ; P. Calvel . IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science . Year: 1993 | Volume: 40, Issue: 6

« Comparison of experimental measurements of power MOSFET SEBs in dynamic and static modes ».  P. Calvel ; C. Peyrotte ; A. Baiget ; E.G. Stassinopoulos . IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science . Year: 1991 | Volume: 38, Issue: 6

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